By cek4uytp - 25/06/2011 06:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend caught me in a lie about being on my period. He memorized my menstrual cycle, but still forgot that today is my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 757
You deserved it 18 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yourlifesfucked 0

Anyone else wondering why she was lying about her period?


How is it a YDI? sure maybe lying about when her period is wasn't the best idea, but I'm sure she had her reasons. Plus it would suck for her if her bf forgot that it was her birthday, you might think a birthday is nothing special but it can hurt when people close to you forget it while take the time to remember something more trivial.

greekamericanpri 2

that's not that bad my bf remembers mine to but not to have sex but to make sure I'm not pregnant lol we had sex once and never again after that because he to scared but I love him anyways

No, because it wasn't part of the same post. Keep it in the same post and people won't attack you.

a birthday only happens once a year but your period happens every month

that sucks, beat his ass. happy birthday, though! :D

giannanicole0656 0

why would you even lie about being on your period?

Rane_Jade23 0

#142 does have a point.? Haa

itz_towelie 6

she needed an excuse to get out of sex i would guess

I thought that was what a headache was for

Wow, he took effort to remember the cycle and you still focus on some arbitrary crap like not remembering a birthday.

jcaall 4

Look if you're going to lie to your boyfriend, I don't think you can really get mad at him for something as trivial as this...

crosscountry123 0

dump that hobo on the aside of the street like a sack of russet potatoes. that ain't normal girl

flyboy96 0

you turned down birthday sex?!? WOW.