By cek4uytp - 25/06/2011 06:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend caught me in a lie about being on my period. He memorized my menstrual cycle, but still forgot that today is my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 757
You deserved it 18 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yourlifesfucked 0

Anyone else wondering why she was lying about her period?


Basically means he wants sex more often.. do ur job and cater to the man!

Quagmire_ladies 9

should've had sex. if ya did he would've remembered that it was your birthday and not have to focus on your lying thus creating the tracking of your ******'s activities.

SirObvious 1

Maybe if u put out when he wanted u wouldnt be in that situation ;)

HunterAlpha1 8

i don't understand why women use their period as an excuse to avoid sex. just tell the damn truth: you're not in the mood. what's so ******* hard about that?

Maybe she wasn't trying to avoid sex. Ever think of that?

HunterAlpha1 8

why else do women lie about their period?

She could have lied about it in the sense that she told him she wasn't on it, when she was, in order to get birthday sex. You would think that since there are only two options and one of them may or may not be the case, the other would become more apparent. :/