By ginny - 10/09/2009 17:18 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came in my room dressed as Harry Potter and declared that he was going to put his basilisk into my chamber of secrets. And yes, that was my first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 251
You deserved it 8 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have cast an enlargement spell on him

It coulda been worse. He coulda been Voldemort.


doubleAbattery 0

That is quite possibly the greatest thing I have ever heard.

YDI for not being a 22 year old virgin like me FAIL

lilarielle14 0

hahahah lmao! that's kinda corny but then cute lol

THIS IS NOT AN FML. NOT. YOU SHOULD ADD, "needless to say, I was delighted. MLIA" it's not an fml at all.

3arl 0

god dammit who the **** mods these stop letting this bull shit out

solocredere12 4

If you were an MLIAer you'd have no problem with this. I don't see the problem honestly! YDI for being LAAME!

hahaha that's simply adorable! Can I have your boyfriend? Please? xD

I think that was adorable. that also made my day.