By gt - 23/09/2010 00:52 - Canada

Today, my boss fired me because I corrected him after he misspoke during a meeting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 788
You deserved it 35 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh darling, no!! No no no no!! NEVER correct your boss! You're just ASKING for unemployment when you do that! If they're higher up than you, they're always right, even when they're wrong!


Rule number one: boss is always right. Rule number two: if boss is wrong see rule number one. FYL for being so RUDEJ

You might wanna do that stuff in private. But still... That's a stupid reason to fire someone. sorry you had an overly egotistical boss.

im pretty sure he isnt allowed to do that op. fyl

hcovballer247 0

When people correct them, a lot of people take that the wrong way so that wasn't exactly the smartest move. YDI

you dumb **** ! never do that again in work environment specially to your boss or manager.

awww its ok op... u should've beat him ip after he fired u. hehehe

Epic222662 0

And go to jail for 20 years for aggravated assault and battery! Oh dear, you are such a moron.

NEVER correct your boss NEVER you should know that op and ydi for trying to sound smart FAIL.