By gt - 23/09/2010 00:52 - Canada

Today, my boss fired me because I corrected him after he misspoke during a meeting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 788
You deserved it 35 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh darling, no!! No no no no!! NEVER correct your boss! You're just ASKING for unemployment when you do that! If they're higher up than you, they're always right, even when they're wrong!


Why are people assuming OP didn't do it in a respectful way? The OP might deserve it if he stood up and said 'No you ässhole!' and started screaming and such. On the other hand, if he just waited for his boss to finish and then said 'According to the figures here...' or 'If I am recalling from... correctly,...' I don't see the problem. What is he supposed to do, sit there while his boss lies to everyone?

Sawm11 0

bosses suck at dealing when they're wrong. I'm sure you could get your boss in trouble for firing you over that.

I read it as miss poke and was trying figure out what it meant.

Translation: "Today I wanted to show my coworkers how smart I was by correcting my boss in front of everybody."

beachlova910 0

well I wouldn't want to be corrected while im with other people either....I would be embarrassed.... you don't have to correct your boss that's just being a dick

2345_fml 0

This is one of things wrong with businesses. Everyone higher up immediately thinks they are better than everyone else just because they make a higher paycheck. Maybe if some of the managers actually gave a crap about what employees had to say, and especially when the boss says something wrong, then maybe some businesses would be a lot better off than they are right now.

Stfu n quit correcting your superiors, smartass. Prolly wat ur boss said right? I get it all the time..

Sweetie that's called unlawful or unfair dismissal. His not aloud to fire u for that. Take him to court