By kufan1324 - 05/06/2012 03:47 - United States

Today, my boss became obsessed with a movie about a pimp. He now refers to all my female coworkers as his "bitches" and refuses to treat us like human beings. Whenever we make a mistake, he rolls his eyes and laughs, "So typical of a prostie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 176
You deserved it 3 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheElderTROLLZ 15


Gang up and jump him in the parking lot

You realize that's illegal right? You can get him fired or sue him for harassment

bleddyn13 1

Are you ******* serious?! Record the things he says, then talk to a lawyer and sue his ass for everything he has. No ******* mercy.

These a**holes rise to positions of power thru the 'Peter Principle.' They are promoted until they reach their level of incompetence. That's why so many of our bosses are jerks.

Sounds like a lawsuit or something.

calebxd19 0

Call human resources on him

hcarrillo90 0

get a camera a tape that shit thats discrimination harrassment he could get fired for that and you can sue

Moonheart13 1

U should report him or something