By ShockBait - 22/08/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, it was my next-door neighbor's birthday. Over the past year, his pitbull has attacked my stepdad several times and put some stiches on me. Lucky for us, the dog was finally put down. For his birthday my neighbor got a new, bigger, pitbull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 635
You deserved it 5 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kindofgocrazy 0

Not all pitbulls are mean, maybe you'll get lucky and this one won't be.

loveabull66 0

this is bullshit. pits are amazing dogs, maybe its the owner whos the dumbass and raising them to be aggressive. its basically like raising a kid, teach them to rape and murder and 9 times out of 10 they'll grow up with the mindset that its ok. its people who dont understand this that give pits a bad rep, and another reason that theyre nearly outlawed.


133- You need to be put down on the spot. Its narrow-minded people like you who is the reason they do that

Timismaster 0

People who think pitbulls are viscious dogs should be shot. Poodles and german sheperds have a higher bite rate than pitbulls. My aunt has three pitbulls and theyve never hurt anyone :(

other dogs may have higher bite rates but when pits attack no one can take control anymore, and i doubt the dog even realizes its doing anything wrong. but still, they have a higher kill rate sadly. if you dont believe me, do your homework and then get back to me.

narrow minded? i loved pits until my best friends adorable loveable one that would lay in the yard next to my dog decided it was going to eat my dog one day, and succeeded. my uncle was attacked by one. i as a child was attacked by one. and a lot of people i know have or know someone who has been attacked by one.

sarawr 0

It seems like the neighbor likes to buy dogs that have been trained to be aggressive, so based on the precedent I must agree: FYL. And to other reply's: I don't think the OP has a prejudice against the breed, as much as against the neighbor, who is obviously mindless in training and raising an animal the right way. I hate to sound cold-hearted right now, but it's good that the first dog was put down. If the dog bit without reason or was provoked extremely easily (ie someone walking by, even if not in their yard), it's quite possible they were past the point of retraining. Most states have laws anyway, that a dog must bite three times before they're euthanized, meaning that the owner didn't try to retrain the dog or was unsuccessful in retraining the dog (at which point they should have taken extra precautions, by using a leash and not ever letting the dog out of the house by itself or off of a leash) after acquiring previous strikes against them. The dog was a risk to both strangers and the owners themselves, if they did not have any control over them. They could have killed someone, and it's very lucky they didn't (there was a dog attack recently where I live in which a vicious dog, who had previously bitten two other people, attacked and killed a little boy walking on the sidewalk by the dogs' house; they also ended up severely injuring somebody who had come out after seeing what happened, and tried to save the little boy). I've been attacked by dogs before (I was once bitten on my hand, which required three stitches; and a dog once had my whole upper lip grasped in between their teeth, which required quite a bit more, and was ten times as painful), and it's a scary experience. Besides the excruciating pain of teeth on flesh, dogs will sometimes continue to attack after being pulled or pushed off of a victim -- so it's difficult to know when exactly it will be over and how much damage will be done. Anyways, good luck with the situation. Hopefully, this dog is not trained to be vicious.

get yourself some German Shepards, if you get a good one they can take on any pitbull, mine did :) ...and in my opinion i like them better than pitbulls

I agree with funkmuffin Buy a Rottweiler and a German Shepard. The Pit Bull will not even come close to your house.

i also hate that when a dog attacks a kid who was tormenting the dog. It's the dog who suffers, and the kid gets away with it. put the brat down, not the dog.

nanoflacka 0

YDI for being a ******* pushover. 4+ attacks before the dog was put down? You should have raised hell about it after the second one if not earlier. Cry more.

I don't get why everyone is convinced that it's completely the neighbors fault. Think about it: the neighbor could've gotten the dog when it was already an adult- that gives him/ her very little control over how the dog was trained. And just because this person had one bad dog does not mean that the next one will automatically be the same way. Who knows, maybe they learned something about training dogs!