By ShockBait - 22/08/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, it was my next-door neighbor's birthday. Over the past year, his pitbull has attacked my stepdad several times and put some stiches on me. Lucky for us, the dog was finally put down. For his birthday my neighbor got a new, bigger, pitbull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 635
You deserved it 5 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kindofgocrazy 0

Not all pitbulls are mean, maybe you'll get lucky and this one won't be.

loveabull66 0

this is bullshit. pits are amazing dogs, maybe its the owner whos the dumbass and raising them to be aggressive. its basically like raising a kid, teach them to rape and murder and 9 times out of 10 they'll grow up with the mindset that its ok. its people who dont understand this that give pits a bad rep, and another reason that theyre nearly outlawed.


lmfaowww 0

You shouldn't really care about the pitbull. Its the neighbor who trains it

ElMundio87 0

It's not the neighbour that'll be chewing on your leg.

Jennydew 0

#6, let me belong to PETA. Those are the only dumb-asses who think companion animals like cats and dogs are "wild" and should not be kept as pets. Pit bulls are actualls very loving dogs. I had several as a child and never once did they attack or bite anyone. They have a bad reputation because of assholes , like the OP's neighbor, who raise them as fighters. I say kill the neighbor and keep his dog....

ok I have a pitbull and she is the sweetest thing ever. not all pitbulls are mean and vicious, it's all on how u raise them. he obviously is not properly taking care of his dog if it is getting out and biting you, either that or you are antagonizing it. when you approach a pitbull you can't act like your scared of it because then it will take advantage of you, you have to pretend like it's ur best friend.

tboone 0

go u! you are so very right!

sweetSandy 0

not all pitbulls are cousins pitbulls are trained well and are the sweetest dogs...they're jus huge and that scares most ppl... fyl for dogs not liking u?

Most everywhere its illegal to own a pitbull in an urban area because they're prone to being pretty damn viscious. Bring it up to your police chief and see what you can do about it. Chances are if you get their dog taken away you neighbor will be pissed but atleast you aren't getting mauled by a dog anymore

Just because his first pitbull was violent doesn't mean this one will be. Most are actually normal dogs, and can be and gentle. But if he's training it to be mean or treating it poorly so it becomes violent, then you have a big FML.

blueem2 0

I ******* hate pitbulls. Not because they are all vicious, but because they are annoying as hell. My girlfriend has 4 and they all jump on you and lick you to death when you walk in the door.

Hopefully this dog will turn out better - can't you call animal control or something?

AvinG 0

ONE bad dog? You are a retard.