By ShockBait - 22/08/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, it was my next-door neighbor's birthday. Over the past year, his pitbull has attacked my stepdad several times and put some stiches on me. Lucky for us, the dog was finally put down. For his birthday my neighbor got a new, bigger, pitbull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 635
You deserved it 5 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kindofgocrazy 0

Not all pitbulls are mean, maybe you'll get lucky and this one won't be.

loveabull66 0

this is bullshit. pits are amazing dogs, maybe its the owner whos the dumbass and raising them to be aggressive. its basically like raising a kid, teach them to rape and murder and 9 times out of 10 they'll grow up with the mindset that its ok. its people who dont understand this that give pits a bad rep, and another reason that theyre nearly outlawed.


so? it doesnt mean this dog will be as bad as the last one. unless your neighbor raised the last dog to attack or to be defensive, and plans on raising this one the same way.

Someone with sense :) Many of these dogs never get the training they need because a lot of people *cough*cough* the people here defending them *cough* don't think they need training. Dogs that are bred to fight/herd/defend do so naturally. Just because one Welsh Corgi doesn't herd doesn't mean the next three won't at all. And a difference between pits and german shepherds is that the german shepherds are more often trained when needed and while young because we recognize that they can be dangerous.

ok, all you stupid ***** who are saying kill the dog, GET A ******* LIFE. i dont care about legal bullshit. when a person gets hurt by a dog, it is ALWAYS the persons fault. i have grown up with rottweilers since i was 4 and my neighbor fosters mulitple german sheperds, all are the nicest dogs in the world. try looking at it thi way you ignorant asshole and maybe ull get it. imagine the dog's a person. would you like a random creeper to walk up to you and start talking? hell no you slap that ************. and to everybody saying kill the dog, try kiling the people who murder an entire family and get away with only prison?

Dude. Have you ever looked at a chihuahua wrong then? Cause I have seen any animal attack for no reason just like humans. Hell I have seen hogs attack humans for no reason. At a hog show all the owners raised them properly but animal nature is animal nature they can turn at any second. You just have to know the risks.

Why did you let the dog bite you? You're bigger than it is and stronger than it is. Unless it ambushed you I don't see why you would let a dog bite you. I've been around dogs my whole life and whenever a dog comes at me like it's going to bite I just tell it to back off. If you have the right attitude 90% of dogs will back off. For the ones that don't just grab it by the collar and put it back in it's own yard. Why are people nowadays such wusses when it comes to dogs? A dog is a dog no matter what breed it is and pit bulls aren't the superdogs the media makes them out to be. They are just dogs and respond the way dogs will. Get a backbone.

Jarppilarpagus 4

if it gets bad call the town constable or the cops... cause we had the same problem, but i was learning to walk at the time so i don't remember it... plus i think it's a law or something that dogs need to be tied up if their owner isn't around..

everyone who says Pitbulls are not violent they are dead wrong. Pitbulls and Rotweillers are 2 of the most violent dogs. Pitbulls are breed to kill. They are breed to fight. Not all of them end up violent but most of them do. Even the one's that arnt breed to fight still have a violent nature. They are just violent dogs. My Aunt's pitbull attacked an old woman and killed her. And the dog wasnt abused or breed to fight. Another case this family had a pitbull and it was in the basement for a while and when they let it out it attacked and killed their 3yr old son. Pitbulls and Rotweillers honestly need to be banned. Or something. Cause most dog deaths that people hear about are from those 2 dogs. And I'm not saying that other dogs arnt violent (I got attacked by a German Shepard last year) I'm just saying those 2 are the worst. And to anyone who says that the new pitbull may not be violent is a damn fool. Obviously it will be cause has a violent nature and 2. the owner is a douche. That dog is going to hurt someone. And to the OP if that dog attacks you do one of 3 things 1. Shot the little bastard 2. Sue the fucktard of an owner 3.All of the above and claim self defense

primogen18 0

**** the next dog's life, obviously any dog who grows to be mean or dangerous is not in the right environment, regardless of the breed. #203 doesn't seem to understand pitbulls and rotweillers are the 2 dogs people perceive as "tough" dogs, and are more subject to people treating them as so, to be dangerous. The fact you used "breed (bred btw) to fight" says it all, it's all how they are RAISED. You could raise a Chihuahua or ANY OTHER breed to be the same. So sucks for you, but more so for the dog, it's probably being neglected or mistreated on a daily basis. I hate people who are ignorant about certain breeds, it's not their fault, it all falls on the people who breed and raise them, and it's sad.

GMeister13 0

This is NOT an FML! The pitbull was obviously sick! The new one wont boye you. Unless its sick aswell. (******* dog haters..)

Ringoisastarr 0

I've been bitten an uncountable amount of times by my neighbors Chihuahua. I've even had to go to the hosipital, but for some reason the dog doesn't need to be put down. Honeslty, OP, it's not the fact that it's a pit bull. It's the fact that it bit someone. Get over it, the new dog wont be as bad. And if it is, check out the owner. It's his fault for raising such mean dogs. Pit Bulls are actually really great. So I'm not even going to vote on this one. It's not an FML but I don't know if you deserve anything either. Whatever.

raindropmoment 0

Just fyi for all you pitbull haters: Pitbulls were bred to protect the family on a farm. They were to attack what seemed to be a threat, aka bears, wolves, things of that nature. They actually were left with the children while the males worked on the farm and the mothers worked around the house. The kids would play and basically have the dog as a babysitter making sure wild animals didnt get to them. Its not the BREED that is attack prone. Number one its the training. Your neighbor obviously wasnt training his dog to NOT attack. Pitbulls are actually a very loving loyal dog. So unless you or your stepdad was being ******* stupid and pissing the dog off, it was the lack of training that caused you to be attacked. That or whoever owned the dog before your neighbor ( I assume there are other owners because you said the new one was bigger, meaning its not a little puppy) was training it to fight. You are more likely to get attacked by a lab or a Chihuahua than a pitbull if you look at the aggressive tendencies of dogs. Pit bulls get bad names because they are muscular dogs and loyal and ready to please, meaning put in the wrong hands they are very easily taught to fight. Dont hate the breed, hate the owner who doesnt know how to train the dog, or isnt looking into the dogs background before allowing the dog into the home. Also seeing how loyal pits are if they think your hurting their owner, their gonna hurt you. As with most dogs. Ive been attacked by a Rott and i dont hate the breed, I know for a fact it was the dumbass owner who didnt know how to train the dog or control the dog. This is not a FML...