By gallstones - 09/07/2009 07:02 - United States

Today, it was my birthday, and my boyfriend got surgery on his gallbladder because he had big gallstones. After they were removed, he was still a little out of it from the morphine. He gave the gallstones to me for my birthday. Better still, his mom suggested I make a necklace out of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 264
You deserved it 3 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreedomFirst 0

Oh gross! I could forgive the boyfriend - after all, people do weird things while stoned. But his mom is creepy. So gross. Eeeww.


the good news is that even high on morphine he remembered your birthday. now that's impressive.

LollyPop1 0

aww, come on, he was under morphine!! And he remembered your birthday and I'm sure he'll get you something nice when he's umm, okay again!

XanimalloverX 0

your bf had surgery atleast he remembered your birthday, let that be enough, he's just gone through something major, he's on morphine because without it he would be in pain, so atleast he remembered, if you are upset over the fact that he gave you his gallstones while he's all drugged up probably unaware of what the hell he's doing then your not being very nice, so what if you didt get a gift from him, or a card, maybe he will when he's less drugged up and more awake. be thankful he remembered

Omg 51st!!! I really don't see the big deal in this FML tbh.

fyourlife33 0

tried to be funny with the 51st comment im guessing? however you weren't even right you're #52, you are a dumbass

Um, morphine doesn't get you "stoned" in the sense of the word that you guys are using. It just gives you euphoria and makes you feel good and tingly all over. Maybe a little out of it, but certainly not loopy. Your boyfriend is just weird.

caticaticati 3

Um... different people react to it differently. I personally just get sick when I'm on morphine and throw up on my youth pastor. My brother, however, gets loopy, and clips balloons to his hair and threatens to kick my mother in the teeth. Just because it doesn't make you 'stoned' doesn't mean it can't do that to other people. A lot of alcoholics like it too because they feel intoxicated on it.

Well, no, actually. That's not true at all. Your brother might have been experiencing some sort of placebo effect due to the stigma behind morphine, but morphine doesn't make people go crazy. According to Erowid, the side effects of morphine use are "intense euphoria and a general state of well-being and relaxation." This is why people abuse it. Nausea is an unfortunate side effect that a lot of people face as well, hence your experience. As for the alcoholic comment, it's a well-known fact that opiates (such as morphine) increase the effects of alcohol when used in combination. They also do produce a variety of pleasant effects (as mentioned above) but these don't result in the kind of behavior that you're talking about.

Ashleerose 0

after surgery when i was on morphine my friends came to visit me and as soon as they arrived after hellos. i fell asleep and 10 mins later (i was on a 10 min drip) i woke up and had a whole new conversation cause i couldn't remember they had been there already. it depends on how much morphone ur on cause yea it can make u go crazy cause i kept asking my parents to close the vents cause bugs were getting in. and felt like i was on a magic carpet . drugs have different effects on ppl .

dramakat11 0

He should have already gotten a present for you in advance. FYL.

And bring it to the hospital with him when he was getting surgery? How do you know the real gift he got her [if he did get her one] isn't at his place? Sorry, but when I'm about to go into surgery, I'm not going to think of other people and what I need to bring for them even if it is their birthday. I'm going to think about myself and my health.

Hellsno 0

While you were at the hospital did you have your sense of humor removed?? Because that is funny!

BigSky 5

What planet is your boyfriend's mother from? Yuck! Yep, YLIF.