By Sallyfromtheseashore - 01/07/2009 10:43 - United States

Today, I wrote a long wall post on my teachers wall on facebook including how much of a douche I thought she was, I wasn't planning on posting it but did on accident, so I quickly deleted it. I felt pretty clever. Did you know facebook sends you emails including what was written on the post? FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 772
You deserved it 89 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why we don't do stupid things like that. People taking silly risks on the internet like that do not get my pity. Sorry YDI

iceis 0

Ya, you're a douche. Also, fb doesn't always send e-mails, you have to be signed up for them. Not that it matters - you're still a douche for doing this.


I understand the need to vent about a teacher or boss.. but couldn't you have written it on paper or opened up Word? Why even risk it getting back to them? :C

deaditegirl 0

YDI. Learn to vent in places that don't have negative consequences if you make a stupid mistake. Also, quit being stupid.

If you hate your teacher so much, why are you friends with them on facebook?

milgalo 0

That's what I was thinking - why even be friends with a teacher on FB in the first place? If you are, why the hell would you write it on their wall? Augh. YDI big time.

Yeah, I agree with this...I've friended one or two cool instructors, even chatted with some, but if I hate them, I don't see the point...although it *is* a medium of communication, which is important to have I suppose. aren't clever by deleting posts. I also did know about the emial thing, most websites give you the option to view comments in their email. Just send the teacher back an apology saying that it was a joke but actually wasn't meant to be sent.

fyourlife33 0

as alex said, just tell her your friend was doing it to get you in trouble and it was just a joke and apologize to her and problem fixed... wish this button wasnt called spill the beans!

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Ya anyone with a the slightly bit of intelligence will see through this.

nobodysees 0

I'm calling BS. You're not allowed to be friends on Facebook with teachers (at most schools) while you're still attending.

lisafannypack 0

that may be true, but it doesn't necessarily mean this FML fake i know a bunch of people who are facebook friends with a teacher i have, even though that's probably not allowed

That may be the rule at your school but I've never heard that the case anywhere else. Granted, I'm in college and this sounds more like high school, but I know high school kids in several different states that are facebook friends with their teachers.

lisafannypack 0

yeah, exactly i think it may be more of an ethics thing rather than an actual rule

I call BS on your BS, sir or madam. That's school-specific.


Actually, at our school A teacher was fired/quit our school becuase they had a facebook..

kira822_fml 0

And this kid could be our future presedent.

What's sad is that you could also be our President.

Lonely4 0

And why are you friends with your teacher? That was your fist asshole move. YDI

Shadydeals 0

Well can't she get in trouble for having a page on there?