By Sallyfromtheseashore - 01/07/2009 10:43 - United States

Today, I wrote a long wall post on my teachers wall on facebook including how much of a douche I thought she was, I wasn't planning on posting it but did on accident, so I quickly deleted it. I felt pretty clever. Did you know facebook sends you emails including what was written on the post? FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 772
You deserved it 89 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why we don't do stupid things like that. People taking silly risks on the internet like that do not get my pity. Sorry YDI

iceis 0

Ya, you're a douche. Also, fb doesn't always send e-mails, you have to be signed up for them. Not that it matters - you're still a douche for doing this.


ydi for being friends with your teachers on facebook.

Where I live a teacher could get in serious trouble for friending a student. And why are you even friends with him on fb in the first place if you don't like it?

quackquackquac 0

It's a little disturbing that you're even FB friends with your teacher... ha! and sucks for her because she still gets FB emails. I hated those. email for someone commenting on a post you commented on, ad nauseum.

Noxx_fml 0

wow you really screwed up huh? You know I often find that the students who think the profs are douches are often not very good students. I think you proved the point here.

wrestling49 0


I stopped reading after, "I didn't plan on posting it but did on accident" You're stupid.

lol I sure did .. people post stuff on my wall all the time and then delete it & I still get the email

shirvon100 0

the post that we all didnt see was the one about the teacher with douchebag on her facebook jk FYL though cuz i know ive been there before

mehwhateverr 0

"Whoa, I'm sorry, the little brat I babysit decided to mess my life up." That's all you had to do.