By Sallyfromtheseashore - 01/07/2009 10:43 - United States

Today, I wrote a long wall post on my teachers wall on facebook including how much of a douche I thought she was, I wasn't planning on posting it but did on accident, so I quickly deleted it. I felt pretty clever. Did you know facebook sends you emails including what was written on the post? FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 772
You deserved it 89 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why we don't do stupid things like that. People taking silly risks on the internet like that do not get my pity. Sorry YDI

iceis 0

Ya, you're a douche. Also, fb doesn't always send e-mails, you have to be signed up for them. Not that it matters - you're still a douche for doing this.


Um, seriously, if you think your teacher is such a douche, why would you friend them on Facebook? Unless you're one of those dumbass idiots who thinks they need to add every person they've ever met, spoken to, or heard of. Either way, YDI, 'cause it was a dumb thing to do - why write it if you weren't gonna post it, and as much as it was an accident, those kinds of accidents happen so easily that it takes an extra layer of stupid to tempt fate that way.

Everybody knows emails are sent out from Facebook when you post something. Nice going, genius. I hope you have her as a teacher next year. YDI.

how can you accidentaly post somethink? you either delete it or press the button. ydi for having your teacher on facebook.

Didn't you allready know that? I think you must be new to Facebook! YDI!

Yeah... I did know that... and you're a douche bag...

irrelevantxx 0