By greek_dancer - 13/07/2009 05:14 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and had to parallel park. It took me 10 to 12 minutes of maneuvering before I got into the slot. When I turned off the car and got out, there were 8 people laughing hysterically and clapping for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 805
You deserved it 46 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did it take you so long? and , im sorry, but you would have to be pretty sad to stand and watch someone trying to parallel park for 10 minutes.

Hey, I don't even know how to parallel park. As sad as that is, I've never had to use it in my 4 years of driving.


I know of many places who have actually taken the parallel parking part of the test OUT of the license exam. I think they *really* need to put it back in.

deliapearl 0

at least you took your time and didn't scrape up someone's car

maybe_tomorrow 0

Haha, ah well, happens to the best of us.

Nodaddygirl59 0

so....? wow what website is this again?

calicokitea 0

I've done the same thing. Especially since when I went to get my license, they never tested for parallel parking, and we didn't learn it in Driver's Ed. So when you're forced to do it, it's really difficult.

That is a really substandard driving education then.

sofad15 0

that is not substandard education. It depends where you take the test - if the city is expanded, and there is no problem with parking, parallel parking is not tested on the test. It can be tested, but not required. I took test in Sacramento CA, and in Lincoln NE, and in neither one of them was I tested on parallel parking. But I heard people from big cities like Detroit or NY, they had to take it. Depends on the place.

Women shouldn't be allowed to drive. I've seen a video where one's trying to reverse bay park...after 10 minutes a man gets out and does it for her xD

Not all women are bad at driving - I can reverse bay park, parallel park, compitently reverse around a corner and 3 point turn - all the basic things you now need to be able to do to get a license. Oh and did you know more men have car accidents than women?

No...they actually don't, that's a woman's tale, in a feeble attempt to gain respect... You've said it yourself, #50

If you don't have enough practice, it's hard to parallel park. I was so worried for my driver's test... but they told me since our city has very limited parallel parking, I didn't even have to do it. That didn't help years later when I actually had to parallel park, though. Hah At least you stuck with it... and it's not that much of a FML if people CHEERED YOU ON!

I love how so many people are now commenting 'Ohh, oohh, I can parallel park!!' Good job, so can I... have a cookie...

twilight_addict 0

it's not your fault that parallel parking is hard =D what IS your fault is making your small little embarrassment even more embarrassing this is upsetting

awwww :( fyl people clapped?! :( it was prob in between two cars yes? i am 19 and don't have my license, so don't feel bad! My parents are too scared to lemme drive haha.

First thing after reading this FML, I looked at the OP's gender and then understood. Get off the road, you will save dents from the side of car's and maybe save a few lives if you cannot park between 2 lines. #32 Too True, I have come back to my car with a dent on the side of my car and just cringe that some pathetic person cannot open a door far enough to pop in and out of a car without physically damaging another man's car. #39 Please do us all a favour and take more practise, if you ever feel in force to do something while driving, you shouldn't be driving. #41 More men drive. More men drive to work. More men depend on cars for eg. labour workers, builders, taxi drivers etc...

"Overall, men were involved in 5.1 crashes per million miles driven compared to 5.7 crashes for women, despite the fact that on average they drove 74 percent more miles per year than did women." Well done for disproving my point I'm sure this comes down to the fact women are biologically less capable of good spatial awareness though

I think it's that while women DO in fact get in more crashes, they tend to be more minor than the ones men usually get involved in. Women do more stupid little things that cause fender benders. Men will cause big crashes that kill people.