By greek_dancer - 13/07/2009 05:14 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and had to parallel park. It took me 10 to 12 minutes of maneuvering before I got into the slot. When I turned off the car and got out, there were 8 people laughing hysterically and clapping for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 805
You deserved it 46 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did it take you so long? and , im sorry, but you would have to be pretty sad to stand and watch someone trying to parallel park for 10 minutes.

Hey, I don't even know how to parallel park. As sad as that is, I've never had to use it in my 4 years of driving.


Hey don't worry! I'm like that also haha.

ozymandias_fml 0

Please shred your license. You are not qualified to have one.

Are you a woman AND Asian? lol I've been almost run off roads by them many a times. It's not a stereotype anymore, it's true. THEY ARE THE WORST DRIVERS.

Wow! Its crazy drivers like you that get people into an accident!

I bet you are a woman, aren't you? women suck at parking, no offence but tis true!

alwaysalady 0

That happened to me before. Once, I couldn't do it at all, I drove to a parking garage and walked two blocks just to avoid it.

That's happened to me so many times, it's sad. FYL, indeed!

Woman driver, what do you expect? They pretty much fail at everything.