By greek_dancer - 13/07/2009 05:14 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and had to parallel park. It took me 10 to 12 minutes of maneuvering before I got into the slot. When I turned off the car and got out, there were 8 people laughing hysterically and clapping for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 805
You deserved it 46 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did it take you so long? and , im sorry, but you would have to be pretty sad to stand and watch someone trying to parallel park for 10 minutes.

Hey, I don't even know how to parallel park. As sad as that is, I've never had to use it in my 4 years of driving.


greek_dancer (woman) --Mystery solved.

midnighthammers 0

this is definately a woman driver.

Yeah but...5,000,000? There's nearly 7,000,000,000... Jesus christ...people are dumb.

alex_vik 0

Surprise surprise, it's a woman!

donovanrammstein 3

i call b.s. or over-exaggeration on this one

ithedarkknight 0

lol i feel your pain in florida you dont parallel park alot so when i have to do it i completly suck at it so i always try to find a spot with enogh room i can just slide into instead... i know its embarrasing happent to me before...

the op was a chick... look on any road and you will see that girls are always on their phone texting or talking. most women don't take driving seriously. guys do more driving so of course they will get into more accidents. even the stupidest of drivers can see the logic in that. for all of you women who are good drivers - congrats! have a cookie. it's not hard. so get off your ******* high horses btw - i'm a female.

I didn't read all these comments but I saw #153 and gotta ask... why do you think guys do more driving? You think we're in 1909 when cars were brand new and women couldn't vote, and men were the only ones who drove? Hello... OP, I clicked both responses on this one. It's really mean and childish of those people to act like that, but on the other hand, that's an awfully long time to figure out how to park a car... Seriously, how did you pass your driver's test?