By greek_dancer - 13/07/2009 05:14 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and had to parallel park. It took me 10 to 12 minutes of maneuvering before I got into the slot. When I turned off the car and got out, there were 8 people laughing hysterically and clapping for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 805
You deserved it 46 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did it take you so long? and , im sorry, but you would have to be pretty sad to stand and watch someone trying to parallel park for 10 minutes.

Hey, I don't even know how to parallel park. As sad as that is, I've never had to use it in my 4 years of driving.


this is definitely stolen from this video

I love it when you see a confused woman who, in a parallel parking situation, pulls nose-first into a space and after a few minutes realizes that it isn't possible to park that way. It is even funnier when you can see that she is not a new driver.

Walt_1990 3

Everyone has to start from somewhere! Keep practicing and you'll get it down like a pro :) .

yeah and it shouldn't take you that long. FYL

velcro62 0

why are people saying that she deserves this? explain, I would really like to know why

Okay I'm generally not the type to dive headfirst into emotional, name calling, profanity using debates on here but seriously this one has pissed me off. I'm a woman driver and I am perfectly capable of parallel parking or any other type of driving maneuver I may need to do. I also have a pin in my leg from a crash caused by a drunk MAN driver and have a good friend who was just in a rear end crash caused by a MAN driver. My brother has crashed his car 3 times and has enough speeding tickets that he's about to lose his license. Funny part is, my drivers ed teacher was a woman. So here I am a WOMAN who learned how to drive from another WOMAN and I am surrounded by idiot men drivers. Wow, you're all correct, women obviously are all bad drivers....**insert sarcasm here** **** YOU ALL who say women shouldn't be allowed to drive. It's people like you who should be forcibly castrated so you can't further pollute the gene pool of the world with your bullshit and ignorance. F the OP's life and F the life of every woman who has to deal with men like the lot of you. And F your lives for being worthless fucktards who can't see past your own prejudice to the truth. There are shitty drivers of both genders and all races.

#127 when you're 40 and still a virgin don't wonder too hard why mmmmkay?

CaptainBaconMan 0

#127 is my hero forever. Welcome to the internet #126, and #130.

I'm a man and I will always fail at driving. When playing Need4Speed I managed to blow my car up. (And yes, thats probably going to happen irl). Gendar superiority is always too controversial. Some people think men are stronger than women, or women are smarter than men. I would not try to arm wrestle a female bodybuilder, and the girl that said that girls are smarter than boys to me clearly doesn't read the rest of that article (Says that girls DEVELOP their brain a bit faster, not that they were smarter in any way, except in a little IQ. But everyone knows IQ is a lie). (Oh and I was 4.0 GPA).

Ugh... Okay, I hate how everyone automatically assumes that every single woman in the human race of probably 5 million people can't drive (granted that a good handful of them are children, and the other half is men). There are probably a few good women drivers, it's just sexism at another activity. I agree with ChefFrenchie. ******* annoying how condescending everyone is. And just for your information, unless someone decides to be a smart ass because I'm irritated, NO it is not "that time of the month." I'm quite capable of getting pissed off at any other time of the month without my period helping out thank you.

no ******* annoying how stupid you are...5 million? really? i can name cities with a larger population than that. clearly you are a dumb ****.

Okay shut the **** up. I don't know how many ******* people there are in the world and it's not my ******* job to know. Why the hell should I give a shit? You don't need to be a condescending asshole and ******* say that I got it wrong! Who the **** cares? You know what, whatever. You can bitch and moan all you want. What you say doesn't bother me because chances are I won't ever meet you. I don't really give a shit what you say anyway. I'm not a dumb "****." I just don't give a rat's ass how many people there are out there, a good percentage of them are assholes anyway.

Yeah but...5,000,000? There's nearly 7,000,000,000... Jesus christ...people are dumb.