By Anonymous - 06/07/2014 18:06 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, I went on a job interview. The interviewer said it all went well, but he can't hire me because I've got a nose piercing, and that type of "image" isn't the kind they're looking for in their employees. This is the guy who had a full sleeve tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 418
You deserved it 7 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah the image they're going for is "badass" and you didn't quite hit the mark ;(


Talk about a cop-out. Sorry, OP. maybe that isn't the type of company you would want to work for, anyways.

unwantedforlife 14

That's work discrimination and you can get him in a lot of trouble

Sorry, the pierced are not a protected minority.

Why would you want to work for him anyway? He obviously didn't care about your skills or how qualified you are for the job.

Wait,i dont think he can not hire you for that reason.

You still deserve it for getting a nose piercing. You'll still be unhireable most places, even if what this guy did was bull.

When you take a stud or any other type of piercing out of your nose, it's usually not noticeable unless you're extremely close to that person. Unless he has a nose gauge, nobody will think much of it.

Really? I have a noce piercing, never had problems finding a job. Also have dreadlocks and tattoos by the way, thought nothing really in-your-face. Of course, when going for a job interview, I wear nice clothes, put my dreads up in a bun, cover my tats and put in a subtle, discreet piercing. Basically what I do anyway when I go to work.

Ugh sorry to hear that, OP. I can't understand this whole piercing deal. I've always seen employees with different piercings at jobs since I was a kid. I find it stupid how now everyone's saying it's bad and that those people cant work and whatever.

Can't you just take it out? My job was so professional I had to take my piercings out and hey if it fills in you will work a day to have it redone

And isn't it illegal to not give someone the job just because they have a tattoo or piercing? I don't know in USA but in UK I'm pretty sure you can't discriminate because of that (though people do)

I have a nose piercing and enough sense to remove it for an interview. I'm sure he wore long sleeves for his interview.