By Anonymous - 06/07/2014 18:06 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, I went on a job interview. The interviewer said it all went well, but he can't hire me because I've got a nose piercing, and that type of "image" isn't the kind they're looking for in their employees. This is the guy who had a full sleeve tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 418
You deserved it 7 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah the image they're going for is "badass" and you didn't quite hit the mark ;(


To add on, it's also COMMON ******* SENSE to remove all facial piercings, or put in a clear one, before an interview. He must've thought since you're not smart enough or willing to do that for an interview then why would you take it out for your job where it's not allowed? Try Target, they allow it.

Whether it's double standards or not, you should always take out your piercings before an interview. I have a lip ring and I have to take it out.

You can cover a tattoo sleeve with clothing, while a facial piercing is near impossible to cover unless you simply take it out.

Not a big deal. Piercings are removable, it's like people forget. Yes, you should remove piercings before an interview, but it isn't as though they are permanently attached to your body. Shouldn't have been a problem at all. And one thing more: I know it sucks that this guy was criticizing you with a full sleeve tattoo, but when you're in charge you can do whatever you want. Keep that in mind.

If he was serious, couldnt he have asked if you're willing to take it out while at work?

I take out my piercings for interviews, it's more professional.

Always good to take out face metal before an interview. Tattoos can be hidden.

Then don't get a ******* nose piercing you jackass