By Anonymous - 06/07/2014 18:06 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, I went on a job interview. The interviewer said it all went well, but he can't hire me because I've got a nose piercing, and that type of "image" isn't the kind they're looking for in their employees. This is the guy who had a full sleeve tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 418
You deserved it 7 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah the image they're going for is "badass" and you didn't quite hit the mark ;(


First of all, you could easily take out your piercing for each shift if it's THAT big an issue. Second of all..... WHY is that even a big deal? What a tool.

That guy was just a douche, a nose piercing is easier to hide than a sleeve tattoo

mimi809o 21

And this is why tattoos and piercings should be allowed in the professional workplace. So many people are qualified to work but get turned down of they have a piercing or some tattoos. Pathetic really. Oh well, OP you'll find a much better job.

samaubyn 2

I def see the double standard there and can sympathize as I have quite a few tattoos and used to have facial piercings... Though I never would've shown up at interview with my peircings in or with my tattoos showing. Right or wrong, this is how the world is. It's common sense that you need to try to look professional in order to get a job. deserved this one. I have nothing against piercings, but I wouldn't hire someone who was dumb enough to leave a facial piercing in during an interview. That tells me they may not have much sense in other areas as well.

Epickitty58 29

I guess nose piercings aren't as badass as tattoo sleeves, even if both would hurt like hell.

The image is probably to good for what they were after

enu_vastanii__ 9

Hypocrites.. Hypocrites everywhere

Are you too dumb to take the piercing out when you go for an interview?

you can hide a sleeve tattoo, you can't hide a nose peircing

He was letting you down nicely because you can easily take out a nose piercing.