By Anonymous - 01/03/2014 18:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I went on a date with a girl my friend set me up with. I thought we got along great, until after dessert, when I asked if she'd be interested in doing this again. She just said, "Nahhh" then got up and casually left, stiffing me on the bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 523
You deserved it 5 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you dodged a bullet there. Hopefully it didn't cost too much.


What a bitch. Sorry. You'll find a nice one soon. Tell your friend though they owe you one.

You're the guy. If it was a "date", you're supposed to pay the bill.

That was an odd time to ask that question. Doesn't sound like you meant for the date to be over so that question was pre-mature. No matter what the answer, even if positive, it could have turned the rest of the date awkward. After she said no, would you have wanted to sit at the table with her any more? What would you have done? "How come? You don't like me? I can be better!" I'm sorry, very poor timing for that question.

I feel it was perfect timing. All courses of the meal were finished. Who says they rode together? The date may have been coming to a close and OP was hoping for a yes so they could continue getting to know each other.

damnit1989 16

Someone wanted a free meal.... Sorry OP.

Stiffed you with the bill. Dude you should pay anyway when you take a girl on a date.

CommanderWoof 10

First, honestly reflect on whether your behavior triggered her response. If you were a bore, or worse a horrific boar, then her walking on you was justified. She may have been merely being polite, hoping you have some self awareness and could improve. However, if you were clueless and thought things were going well, then that may have triggered the last straw. If after reflecting, she was still in the wrong, my deepest apologies.

Wait. Stiffed you on the bill? Guess I'm old fashioned shouldn't you have planned to pay if you took her out. Yeah she was a bitch about it but wonder if you're a gentleman esp if you didnt plan on paying.

We don't know that OP didn't intend on paying. I think he was just offended by her rudeness! And that made him mention that she stiffed him with the bill. If I go on a date and am not interested in the guy, I'll let him down gently and at least offer to pay my share of the bill.

Reading these comments I realize why I was born in the wrong century. Sexist maybe but be a gentleman you should pay. Yes men I think all men should pay on a date. Always. ESP the first one. No I don't want a man to support me but be a gentleman. Yes If I ask a guy to do something of course I am prepared to pay however a true gentleman steps up and doesn't let me. Few good men left. I often Dislike my generation.

Leaving aside the obvious sexism, you just sound like a freeloader. What a twisted definition of "gentleman" and "good men" you have there.

Wow really? You think all men should have to pay for the whole date every time? Surely it'd be a lot fairer to split the price half and half. I don't have a problem with men sometimes treating their date/girlfriend by paying for them, but I think to expect them to do it every time is way too much. That just wouldn't be fair at all.