By older - 10/06/2009 08:18 - United States

Today, I was walking downtown. I'm 57 years old, and I'm pretty well along in terms of hair loss. On top of that, I recently hurt my left leg and am walking with a crutch. I passed two teenagers, who were looking at me, and I overheard, "Yeah, I agree. I'm much more scared of aging than death." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 897
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kill them, they're not scared of death anymore :')

Wow those kids are stupid. I can't say that I've never thought this inside my head before though. I hate getting older.


Don't they know that getting old is awesome? You can say whatever the hell you want and get away with it.

SeaCoyote 0

#16 Who died and made you Queen of the young and apologize for all of us? I would like to apologize for #16, shes the prime example of the current teen: Arrogant, narcissistic, self entitled and absorbed. She thinks she represents all that is good, and is above all of those within her age range.

ScubaSteve802 3

Seacoyote, youre doing the same thing by apologizing for #16 when you were just complaining about her apologizing for immature teenagers. I guess that makes you arrogant and narcissitic too.

What's age to the wisdom gained? (Which is what these kids obviously lack) Should've exhibited some moves with the crutches to show them. Kids. Disrespectful and impetuous. D:

Lolz @2! OP: u should've turned around and hit them where the sun don't shine!

And that's when you say, "I'd rather be old than be a pizza-faced, ugly *****!" Trust me, if they are teenage girls, that will destroy their souls. If they're guys, just call them gay or whip out a "yermom" joke.

@ 27, lol thats soooooooooo mean but i guess they deserve it XD

funsize003 0

what you should say to the guys: "you have a small penis, don't you?" THAT KILLS EM. say to the girls: "my wife's face didn't look like THAT when I was your age. She was actually attractive." teenagers need to have more respect for the elderly. I'm 16 and I love working with people. :) butttt if you say those things, they'll probably shut up. :D

@ 22, Im going to go off your comment that you're still a "kid" in the conventional sense (meaning you're still under 20 years old). You can't just SAY anytyhing you want as an adult. "Adults" who DO say "anything they want and do anything they want" are more like Kids than adults. Doing and saying what you want without consequence is a huge sign of immaturity. As an adult you gain the maturity to refrain from saying anything you want. You learn to understand the cliche "a time and a place" and you are laddened with so much more responsibility than as a child that you don't have the TIME to do what you want. Life gets in the way of that. There is work, bills to be paid, sometimes animals or kids to care for, chores to be done, obligations to attend, etc. Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you have ultimate freedom from responsibility if you chose it. If anything you are mroe tied to it (the responsible ones at least). As for the OP. Ignore them. Kids have NO respect and don't realize what will start happening to them sooner than later. NOT to mention, in todays age? 57 is NOT old. So you've lost hair. My dad lost his at 21, my brother is slowly losing his at 23 (luckily as a female I inherited my moms side rather than my dads! haha). My uncle is 61 and has a great social life. My grandmother is 80 and plays tennis daily and walks a few miles everyday. My parents are both in their fifties and work out regularly and also lead a healthy social life. Getting old isn't what it used to be, kiddos. In fact, my 80 year old grandmother is in better shape than most young kids I know. And looks about 10-15 years younger than she actually is.

yeah i definitely don't like rude teenagers, i've never been one though, mostly because i saw how ridiculous they act. i got my first strand of gray hair when i was 12 though. i'm 18 now and find one every 2 years 0_0