By Insensitive - 15/04/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I was talking on my mobile and walking into a grocery store saying, quite loudly, "Time heals all wounds!" right as I passed a woman with significant burns covering her face. I guess I was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 424
You deserved it 53 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jgardner12 0

Big whoop, you were talking on the phone. If she cared she can **** off.

katherinebby17 28

that's not really a big deal you didn't know she had burns


ydi for talking loudly on your mobile.

Uzumaki_fml 0

I want my 10 seconds back that you wasted. Douscher.

Trix_Disorder 20

#7 They're probably not from the US, or they are older. What's with people nit-picking at word choice, seriously.

Trollers bro, trollers. They attack grammar and stupid shit for attention and to try and piss people off.

Yes, you deserved it for using the word mobile and talking on your phone loudly. I hate those kinds of people.

ohreally123 0

"I guess I was wrong"? You're an asshole.

When I read this I thought you set it up so cutely lol

Looks like you're the one that got burned.

ohhhhshizzz 0

I agree with everyone who clicked YDI. who says mobile? #13: everyone nitpicking makes it me actually get my time back from reading this stupid post. And I think it's seriously obnoxious for people to talk on their cell really loud in a public place, which is why I text. Plus, this isn't even a real FML. Where's the funny?

Trix_Disorder 20

#18 Oh God, that's SO BAD. DX