By needanewride - 16/11/2012 02:40 - United States - Newton Center

Today, I took a crowded train home. I was holding on to the rail when an old man started rubbing his crotch across my hand. I moved my hand but he moved too and kept doing it. When I moved my hand higher, he started licking it. I had to wait ten minutes for the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 289
You deserved it 3 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Why didn't you do something? You should stand up for yourself

Ugh who would quietly let a stranger lick them!? You deserved it. Yuck!

This site shouldn't be "f my life" it should be, "I Have no backbone". You tell the old bastard off and call the police. You don't just sit there and take it like there is literally no other course of action.

joethebiden 8

Obviously you forgot about something called "punching his lights out".

I don't understand why people put up with such extreme sexual harassment on trains/metros/subways. Is there some unspoken rule about keeping quiet? I'd be losing my shit on these creeps.

PsychoBitch666 8

Ask him if he can taste the human bones and flash him your most creepy smile. That should do the trick.

Hydromicide 6

You shoulda punched that ****** in the dome!

skyeyez9 24

Well you should have not stood passively there and let him have his way! Nobody has a right to touch you without your permission. You had every right to **** punch that asshole once he started violating you.

sarah123456888 2

You deserve it because you didn't do anything about it! Other than more your hand

FireFlie07 20

Should have screamed, I hope you took a pic if him and reported him to the police.