By needanewride - 16/11/2012 02:40 - United States - Newton Center

Today, I took a crowded train home. I was holding on to the rail when an old man started rubbing his crotch across my hand. I moved my hand but he moved too and kept doing it. When I moved my hand higher, he started licking it. I had to wait ten minutes for the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 289
You deserved it 3 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments


And you took it? If you retaliated and he retaliated back, I'm sure the rest of the passengers would've been on ur side.

Now it's time to call the police. Describe the guy, the train, and the time. Ask them what you should do in this situation, because the creep will keep doing this (if not worse) to you and others until he's stopped.

how is this a fml you must've liked it if you just to there and let him do that for another 10 minutes

I think thats when you can start punching him:/... Herro!? >.

and you let this continue for ten plus minutes, you deserve it for not having a backbone. i mean, come on, really... for ten more minutes...?

Lets be realistic. You definitely could have just told him to stop or gotten the attention of others so they could help you or just simply hit him. You could have prevented it. Get over it

I would have punched him right in his balls.