By kaileigh10 - 18/05/2011 03:04

Today, I threw a surprise birthday party for my 3 year old. There was music, snacks and lots of toys. My 3 year old is a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 044
You deserved it 50 593

kaileigh10 tells us more.

I agree! How is a baby going to change my life. that was a stupid suggestion.


EvilDave 13

Maybe you should try finding a decent man, developing a good relationship, getting married and having an actual baby instead of putting all your emotions into a cat. Oh, and don't date guys who act like cats. Guys who act like cats are assholes.

you know i you die in your home your cat will probably eat you. damn cats

UnicornHooker 0

When I read this, an ad came on for cat treats. That was followed by an ad about incontinence. FML in a nutshell.

You didn't have to throw a party for your cat. If you are unhappy with your life, change it.

I Love My 2 Cats But Your Just Cuckoo Lady

Sparkiee93 3

What wizard did this to your child?!

I can picture your friends coming by and saying - "Hey, you threw a party and you didn't invite----oh....."

did u cry urself to sleep after? did u at least invite people or was it just u and ur cat cuz that wud be awkward if ur neighbors saw u having a party by urself it wud look as if u were throwing urself a party.... weirdo