By kaileigh10 - 18/05/2011 03:04

Today, I threw a surprise birthday party for my 3 year old. There was music, snacks and lots of toys. My 3 year old is a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 045
You deserved it 50 594

kaileigh10 tells us more.

I agree! How is a baby going to change my life. that was a stupid suggestion.


kitkatmiaow 21

I started to read the comments but got annoyed... so ... 1. There is nothing wrong with loving your cat enough to throw them a party... I do it every time for mine, hide their presents so they don't know what they are getting till they get them and don't tell them before the party lol. You need to cherish every moment you get with them or when they are not around anymore you will regret it, but if you do these things you will have these super special memories on top of all the others you have. 2. Just because someone throws a party for their pet DOES NOT mean they have not friend/life/fun. I have friends, and a life and i get out plenty. But pets are an important part of the family and should be treated as such (: 3. Pets do care, maybe they aren't aware that it's their 'birthday', but they love that they get special love and attention. Pets need love and attention too. 4. Sorry if someone else has made this point but I didn't read all the comments. =^..^= And yes... this probably makes me a crazy cat lady...

its not that bad >-> I bet the cat felt loved

imnotcraZ 0

I'm sorry your looking for MLA

your stupid, you threw it yourself! you totally deserve it!

XxdarkangelxX13 0
annonomusCG 0

Aww I find this cute. :) LAY OFF on the comments

i give my 6 year old dog a birthday party shes super fun! SOO CUTE :3 MY BABY!

UnicornBlehBleh 0

That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard, to be honest.