By kaileigh10 - 18/05/2011 03:04

Today, I threw a surprise birthday party for my 3 year old. There was music, snacks and lots of toys. My 3 year old is a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 044
You deserved it 50 593

kaileigh10 tells us more.

I agree! How is a baby going to change my life. that was a stupid suggestion.


cldean24 4

Dude, I do this for my animals. It's just another day out of the year to get drunk with friends after puppy cupcakes and putting party hats on every spot of the dog's body.

johnnybagodonuts 2

did you scare the shit out of it when you yelled surprise?

I'm so sick of stupid fmls like this beig posted when only one of mine has been posted

laliique_31 0

that's...........grrreeat! NOT! omg! please get a liife. or a baby!

"I have no life! I should get a baby instead!" grow the **** up, idiot.

I agree! How is a baby going to change my life. that was a stupid suggestion.

This is just sad OP. it makes my miserable little life seem like a Fairy tail

This is just sad OP. it makes my miserable little life seem like a Fairy tail

bleedingglitter 24

Sounds like a better party than the ones that happen with humans. Everyone makes small talk for 5 mins and then stares at their phone all night.

If you don't think a baby would change your life, why don't you have one? Major life changes. Trust.

why fml? you totally did this to yourself.