By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 15:47 - United States - Cabot

Today, I started my new job at a haunted house. I figured I'd change clothes when I got home, since my bloody shirt and zombie makeup were blatantly just an outfit. I barely made it 10 minutes before I was pinned to the ground at gunpoint, cuffed, and needing new underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 251
You deserved it 2 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ChloeRattlehead 22

Well, we know now that we can trust those cops to save us during the apocalypse.

I thought they were supposed to teach Common Sense at the academy? Guess they forgot too.


I've done the walk home in all kinds of makeup never had a problem. Worked at a haunted house for years. Granted it was sept-oct. Even went out to eat no complaints or police issues. Sorry op.

Have you no idea how to use your costume to your advantage? i would walk home scaring every single person i ran into! Learn to scare good!

DA3Z 16

So you are covered in blood and look like a zombie, yet the police assume you are a criminal not a victim?

Why do you work at a haunted house in June when Halloween is in october?

I was thinking to post the same thing. Maybe OP works at an amusement park?

That's a dumb police officer right there. Sorry OP. I hope this new makes up for it. I reckon I would love to work at a haunted house.

**** tha police comin' straight from the underground. A young zombie got it bad cuz he brown.

cynthianicole95 9

You could probably sue them for unecessary force. They didn't even question you before making an arrest. I'd look into it, OP.

Starshrek 11