By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 15:47 - United States - Cabot

Today, I started my new job at a haunted house. I figured I'd change clothes when I got home, since my bloody shirt and zombie makeup were blatantly just an outfit. I barely made it 10 minutes before I was pinned to the ground at gunpoint, cuffed, and needing new underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 251
You deserved it 2 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ChloeRattlehead 22

Well, we know now that we can trust those cops to save us during the apocalypse.

I thought they were supposed to teach Common Sense at the academy? Guess they forgot too.


crackajak 15

I've never read an FML that was more in need of a follow up.

crackajak 15

*an, or a*, get at me grammar nazis.

gotta love cops, (sarcasm at its finest).

I_am_GIR 20

Your make up must have pretty good if you scared them.

There was absolutely no reason to point a gun at the OP.

I mean to be fair, it's June. No one is expecting anyone to be in costume.

If the cops find a person covered in what looks like blood, they will call for EMS. We're pretty good at discerning between real and fake bodily fluids, so unless he violated some sort of law he would not be cuffed and had guns pointed at him.

noonenoeone 22

So you're speaking for all officers based on your personal opinion? You sound just like a cop to me... Your mentality is part of the problem.

I've walked home from school covered in blood several times, I get nosebleeds a lot. If a police officer pinned me down and pointed a gun at me I'd probably get another one lol.

Did you put up any sort of resistance? If they thought you were hurt somehow and were fighting to get away, they would be obliged to detain you until EMT's got there. If that was the case, being at gunpoint was probably a precaution. After all, they wouldn't have checked you for weapons yet. And for those complaining about police, come on, get over it! If a few select officers did something bad it does not mean that they are all bad. Put yourselves in their shoes. I don't know about you but I would take as many precautions as possible to make sure I, or a fellow officer, would not get harmed.

If the cops didn't go after people with bloody clothes then any murderer could just put on a zombie mask and be ok