By Anonymous - 13/06/2015 15:47 - United States - Cabot

Today, I started my new job at a haunted house. I figured I'd change clothes when I got home, since my bloody shirt and zombie makeup were blatantly just an outfit. I barely made it 10 minutes before I was pinned to the ground at gunpoint, cuffed, and needing new underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 251
You deserved it 2 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ChloeRattlehead 22

Well, we know now that we can trust those cops to save us during the apocalypse.

I thought they were supposed to teach Common Sense at the academy? Guess they forgot too.


If a zombie apocalypse were to occur, does it need to be near October to be considered proper? Things that go bump in the night are applicable all year long, not just around Halloween. That sucks OP, as much as I find it normal for a haunted house to exist in June, I would be a bit alarmed seeing someone covered in blood looking like they just got out of a bad fight walking down the street outside of the zombie walk or Halloween.

AnonymousZOMBIE 12

i guess its because of all the stupid kids trying to prank others that a zombie apocalypse is happening. so the cops just don't bother anymore and instead cuff anyone trying to be funny....IDK it's a guess...

lexiieeex3 32

This definitely needs context and a follow up wow cops are assholes.

Not all cops are assholes. Most of them are actually good at their job, however the bad ones are the only ones we hear about.

nitrog100 21

Sue the everliving s*** out of the department. They had no right to attack you like that.

ChloeMeyers_Xo 16

Geez, you must have really made an impression.

AviKerensky 17

#17 Shock will cause a person to do odd things.

lilchica22001 22

It would have been cool if the cop that got you was Rick Grimes :) The Walking Dead...sorta! Lol

I'm gonna call bullshit here. If someone is found bloody the cops call EMS for an evaluation. EMS would quickly figure out there's nothing wrong (we're good at that) and the only reason to end up cuffed would be for another offense.