By maddiecat - 08/01/2013 05:34 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I saw Les Misérables. I was singing along to one of the songs when the guy next to me dumped his soda over my head and told me to shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 415
You deserved it 100 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iarefatal 9

You must have sounded miserable

people go to shows to watch and listen to them, now listen to other people drowning it out with their singing, YDI


No one went to the movie to hear you. Why did you think you should participate? The audience isn't supposed to participate at most events, rock, rap and pop concerts aside. I would have probably done the same to you.

It's not a sing-along. You're in a frickin' movie theater. Learn to be respectful of the people around you.

So I guess it doesn't just happen in the movies...

Although the soda dumping was totally uncalled for and unecessary, you probably shouldn't have been singing. My dad told me that people used to do that in the 80s when rewatching a movie after its been out for a while, maybe you could do that if you really want to sing with it. Or wait till it comes out on DVD.

EmmaxSampson 9

You shouldn't have been singing... Seriously.... You're at a movie not a concert....

YDI OP. if you knew you were going to have issues holding yourself back from singing along maybe you should have waited a longer time to go see the movie.

Sing along in your own home if you want to so badly.

bigtime_rocker 11

You're a complete and utter asshole! People didn't pay to listen to you and it's not a ******* sing-along! Shut up and be ashamed of yourself!!!