By maddiecat - 08/01/2013 05:34 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I saw Les Misérables. I was singing along to one of the songs when the guy next to me dumped his soda over my head and told me to shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 414
You deserved it 100 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iarefatal 9

You must have sounded miserable

people go to shows to watch and listen to them, now listen to other people drowning it out with their singing, YDI


A bit of an overreaction on his part, but u shouldn't have been singing in there, just because it says to turn of your phone, and no talking or texting before the movie doesn't mean u have free reign to sing. I woulda told u to shut up too

A bit of an overreaction on his part, but u shouldn't have been singing in there, just because it says to turn of your phone, and no talking or texting before the movie doesn't mean u have free reign to sing. I woulda told u to shut up too

The soda was uncalled unless he asked you numerous times to shut up

TabooSushi 24

Maybe the soda was a bit of an overreaction, but then again, if it were me, I would have had your ass kicked the **** out. They play those "please be quiet" messages before the film for a reason: To make disrespectful people like you shut up. You're just lucky you weren't at a live performance of the show, anyone who ***** with that deserves to be shot, in my opinion. YDI, 100%, for being an annoying asshat.

i really like how most of the new fmls get 8-9k votes and this got 17k on deserved alone :D

You'd be pissed if someone did the same thing, if you really feel like singing or talking in a movie go to the far back corner and do it quietly....YDI ..

Valiumknights44 12

Just because you enjoy singing along with musicals doesn't mean other people will enjoy hearing you. Unless you are in the movie maybe you should save the sing along for the car ride home. With the price of movie tickets these days you'd probably elicit the same response from me. YDI

Honestly, I don't think he over-reacted. There is really nothing more annoying than someone singing along to a musical at the movies (or even at home if it's the first time someone else is getting to see the movie). What on Earth made you think that would be well-received by the people around you? Good voice or bad, it's beyond rude. I wish you had been ejected from the theatre as well.