By Forgotton - 01/08/2009 23:10 - Canada

Today, I realized how invisible/forgettable I am. At work, I went to ask my supervisor what I was working on today. My supervisor admitted that he forgot I was working today. My supervisor is my brother. We drove to work together this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 873
You deserved it 3 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

Well i guess you get paid when you are invisible for doing nothing. awesome

DoMeBaby 1

Get a bright tie or some neon sneakers dude! At least try to be noticedseenunforgettable


I have a sneaky feeling this wasn't originally much of an FML, but the OP talk him/herself into it and worded it as such.

Maybe this is more his fault then yours? HMMMMMMMMMMM

Aw, since it's your brother he's used to having you around all the time that he probably forgets about you.. (Yay for Nova Scotia though) :)

Does your brother smoke a lot of dope?

Not really. A lot of my coworkers are really catty, nosy women who will go running to the boss the second you look at them the wrong way. So there's no chance of ever getting away with that.

Cellophane, Mr Cellophane, should've been my name, Mr Cellophane...

1) You overestimate human stupidity. 2) There are a lot of siblings that work together at my work place and a few married couples. 3) My brother wasn't supervisor when I was hired. He had worked there before as a regualr worker, then moved away after he got his university degree. A few months after he left, I applied and got hired. Last year he moved back and they offered him the supervisor position.