By housepoor - 07/07/2009 04:48 - United States

Today, I met with my realtor to close on a house for my boyfriend and me. While waiting for my boyfriend, I got a text message from him saying he was breaking up with me. I had already signed the papers on our house. Now I'm responsible for a mortgage that I can only afford with his help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 759
You deserved it 14 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never take a mortgage you can't afford on your own. That's just asking for problems. What if you guys did stay together and one of you lost their job?

LadyV 0

Oh my God! That's so ******* tactless of him! FYL. That guy's a douche, you're better off without him. Maybe you can find a nice roommate?


skullbuster 0

Well, this does suck - sorry! But, it doesn't sound like you were "buying a house together" if you were the one signing the papers. It sounds like you were buying a house and he was going to shack up with you and throw in some money each month. And if this is one of those situations where he couldn't qualify for the mortgage so you put it in your name, that should have told you something right there. So, first off, marriage is not a prerequisite to buying a house. But having both of your names on the mortgage and the deed should be. Second, oral contracts don't apply to transactions involving real estate in most states (you are in California though, I guess anything is possible), real estate transactions at every level are documented with standardized documents and legal contracts specifically to avoid these situations - go spend time with a realtor to get that place sold, don't bother with a lawyer!

as far as i know, any real estate / mortgage contract that you sign gives you 3 days to decline the offer before it becomes binding. it's your right of recision.

skullbuster 0

Yes, but you also sign an agreement of sale in advance of settlement. This is one of the key differences between a real estate transaction and most other purchases. Those agreements include prohibitive penalities and costs if the parties back out prior to settlement. Since this actually went to settlement, if she backs out she can expect a civil lawsuit from the seller, title company, and the realtors involved, all of whom will expect to recoup their costs (e.g. filing fees, settlement costs, seller moving and packing costs, penalties on sellers new property, realtor costs/fees) and loss of income. It's not like buying a car where you just give it back within 3 days and walk away. SO, everyone who has stated the 3 day rule are correct, but you are not considering the other consequences of that decision. Yes, you will get out of the mortgage and you won't have the house, but you will have a monthly payment in the form of court ordered restitution. It may be cheaper for her to either a) get a roommate or b) turn around and sell the shack!

That's what you get for trying to play house with someone you are only dating.

CaptainBaconMan 0

This is the first actual FML where your life is actually ****** that I've seen in a long time.

You may still be able to get out. Check the papers you blindly signed. Sometimes there is a period you can get out (refi's always have this) but you will pay some penalty. You could just get a roomate too. It's hardly a FML momement unless you won't get a second job and work extra hours till you get a roommate. I'm going with a YDI vote though for not getting a marriage or his name on the mortgage too.

Wow that sucks. Good luck OP, and let us all hope karna gets him back.

You bought a house with your BOYFRIEND? Wow, you're an idiot. You should be engaged at the least, perhaps married - and you definitely should have had his name on the mortgage, too. YDI for being an idiot and getting yourself into a situation where you could be so easily screwed.

I say YDI. You should never buy something like that with a boyfriend or girlfriend. That was simply a stupid move on your part.

If you're single, you shouldn't buy homes you can't afford on your own, unless you're planning to use them as rental properties. Buying a house you can only afford so long as your boyfriend is living with you is soooooooo unwise. He should have broken up with you prior to you buying the house, but I can't believe someone would make such a foolish decision like you did. Well, I know people do this sort of thing, but I still find it hard to understand why.