By housepoor - 07/07/2009 04:48 - United States

Today, I met with my realtor to close on a house for my boyfriend and me. While waiting for my boyfriend, I got a text message from him saying he was breaking up with me. I had already signed the papers on our house. Now I'm responsible for a mortgage that I can only afford with his help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 759
You deserved it 14 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never take a mortgage you can't afford on your own. That's just asking for problems. What if you guys did stay together and one of you lost their job?

LadyV 0

Oh my God! That's so ******* tactless of him! FYL. That guy's a douche, you're better off without him. Maybe you can find a nice roommate?


whatnow444 0

Buying a house without being married? dumbass. YDI

Communication!! I'm sure if you had sat him down and ASKED if he wanted to commit to this buying a house together and explained the responsibilities you would have known earlier. So I'm going to go ahead and assume you fall into the LARGE categroy of women who play games instead of communicating and assume you made the decision on the house. So, in my opinion you deserve it. Have a lovely day.

TheJuqhusim 0

You weren't married. He had no obligations to stick around. Not only that but like 90% of all relationships fail when the couple lives together before being married. So you were destined to fail anyway, congratulations. :D YDI.

I am not a lawyer, but if his name is on the loan (which I assume it is since you wouldn't have qualified for the loan by yourself) isn't he obligated to make payments? Maybe get the court involved?

Lol, who buys a house with someone they're not married to? And for that matter, who buys a house they can't even afford? That was pretty dumb on your part. Guess you didn't learn much from Obama's recession. Next time, stop skanking yourself out to random guys who'll just end up dumping you. YDI

primogen18 0

YDI, I mean theres a thing called communication that is important in any relationship, especially when signing a mortgage with that person...

cxal_fml 0

YDI - if you knew you could only afford this house with his help, there is no reasonable excuse for you not both signing the mortgage

To #150, plenty of people buy a house with someone they aren't married to, like a Fiance. And the original FML was that they could afford it together, which is the case for a lot of people. Got to admit that he's a loser for breaking up via text, tell him to get some balls.

carolinagirl4693 0

Well that really sucks1 Maybe you can put and ad in the paper for a room mate or something.

snoopy24_fml 0

this is when having both parties present for big decisions like this helps a lot.