By housepoor - 07/07/2009 04:48 - United States

Today, I met with my realtor to close on a house for my boyfriend and me. While waiting for my boyfriend, I got a text message from him saying he was breaking up with me. I had already signed the papers on our house. Now I'm responsible for a mortgage that I can only afford with his help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 759
You deserved it 14 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never take a mortgage you can't afford on your own. That's just asking for problems. What if you guys did stay together and one of you lost their job?

LadyV 0

Oh my God! That's so ******* tactless of him! FYL. That guy's a douche, you're better off without him. Maybe you can find a nice roommate?


This is why unmarried couples trying to test the waters before they are wed is one of the stupidest things our culture believes is wise.

Never buy a house with your boyfriend, they won't legally owe you anything YDI

People are all "You deserve it for not being married" but I say FYL because he's a complete prick for doing that to you. good luck finding a better job? sorry! x

YDI for not putting his name on the mortgage

ok ignoring marriage as the solution, how about the commitment levels? willing to spend x 100's of thousands on a house but not commit to life with you? YDI for not catching that one.

Look into the laws regarding de facto relationships where you are. Here in NZ it's 3 years (and i'm assuming if you're buying a house together you've been with each other for at least as long as that!), in which case you would be able to legally get something out of him.

hope u have two bedrooms. then u can have a lodger.

If you guys were serious enough about each other to actually buy a house together, then he was a HUGE wanker for just breaking up with you like that.... over a text!!

juybuygo 13

you should be able to sue for breach of contract. if not get a roommate to help pay the mortgage