By housepoor - 07/07/2009 04:48 - United States

Today, I met with my realtor to close on a house for my boyfriend and me. While waiting for my boyfriend, I got a text message from him saying he was breaking up with me. I had already signed the papers on our house. Now I'm responsible for a mortgage that I can only afford with his help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 759
You deserved it 14 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never take a mortgage you can't afford on your own. That's just asking for problems. What if you guys did stay together and one of you lost their job?

LadyV 0

Oh my God! That's so ******* tactless of him! FYL. That guy's a douche, you're better off without him. Maybe you can find a nice roommate?


sceptic 1

That's why the first important step in you life should be MARRIAGE, and all else should follow, rather than trying to build a future on an unstable relationship! " boyfriend" - what are you, fifteen???

I know this post is old but YDI for buying a house with someone that you aren't married to... That's just about as stupid as getting someone's named tattooed on you. I only say this because they can break up with at any given moment... If you're married when they break it off the process is long...

maebelline12 12

That's terrible! What an asshole! Hopefully you can manage with all the house business.

mavman79 5

Surely it must be cosigned to be valid.

maybe you should have gotten a place you could have afforded on your own? in case something happened cause he's a bf not a husband...

You should always buy a house that you can afford on your own, because of this FML exactly. I hope you find a roommate.