By RaccoonFever - 10/01/2014 11:15 - United States - La Jolla

Today, I'm trapped in my apartment, due to the fact that five raccoons have decided to sit outside my only door and prevent me from getting out. Every time I look at one, they hiss at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 318
You deserved it 5 774

Same thing different taste


You're at the top of the food chain there scared-y-pants.

My future father in law once threatened to call the cops on a raccoon. He ran away and never came back. It worked on an alligator also. Haha

Air horn, fire extinguisher, a house knife, yell at them, run at them, raccoons really can't hurt you unless they have a high vertical...

In Louisiana, we just open a window and shoot em.

I live raccoons... U should be ashamed of yourself... Your apartment was probably built on their birth place

Don't call animal control or anything. Stand there like a deer in the headlights and hope they go away lol