By RaccoonFever - 10/01/2014 11:15 - United States - La Jolla

Today, I'm trapped in my apartment, due to the fact that five raccoons have decided to sit outside my only door and prevent me from getting out. Every time I look at one, they hiss at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 318
You deserved it 5 774

Same thing different taste


Very sorry to hear this, raccoon's are dangerous and could be rabid, we certainly don't want you getting bitten and have to endure a great many injections as a precaution; the animal control idea was the verty best one. Hope everything works out... but you need to ask... why?

Play classical music loudly for them, that should do the trick.

MedChew 19

1. Put on a zorro-esque mask 2. Live among them 3. Earn their trust 4. Subvert their gangster culture from within

c'mon. man up and do something about it you have all of our support.... I'm not running away, don't be silly

2 Words...Vacuum Cleaner. Fire it up, and shove it out the door. They'll scatter since they HATE doing Housework.

Labrynthian 6

What are you, 6? Don't get bullied by raccoons, come on. Wtf?

mirandasto98 2

Video tape!! Put on YouTube comment the link!