By Anonymous - 29/05/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I learned to never blast classic rock with your convertible's top down while passing an SUV full of gangbanger wanna-bes. That is, of course, unless you want your immaculate, newly detailed leather seats to be decorated with pretty brown and white milkshake stains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 788
You deserved it 8 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow assholes. I hate people like that, I hope you got a license yet that probably wouldn't do much.

zmiddz 0

Gangbangers drink milkshakes?


DarkMirror 0

#87 LOL. My beverage shot out of my nose, I laughed so hard.

lol at the racism in this thread fyls

anonnie 0

that sucks.... but maybe next time you should keep the top up and windows closed so you don't have to turn the music up to deafening levels lol... if you're gonna drive around in a neighborhood that has "gangbanger wannabes" like that, you should know better.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#85: South Park =/= culture. It is NOT culture. I don't watch South Park. So excuse the hell out of me, KAY? And why the **** should YOU care? I was *NOT* talking you, KTHXBAI. And btw: Half of those comments are not even MINE, my cousin also uses this account. JACKASS.

Rose_in_the_rain 0

At least it wasn't carpeted seats. LOL YDI for blasting your music but FYL because I'm sure they love to blast their *gag* rap/hip-hop music as well. And honestly, throwing milkshakes? How childish can you get?

Gabby125 0
peopleplz2008 0
star_ver 0

#s 53 and 99 sound like idiots. FYL for having that happen. Sorry OP. Remember though, karma's a bitch. They'll get theirs.

valuemeal2 1

That really sucks for your car, but you probably could have been playing your music more quietly. I hate people who blast ANY kind of music; if I wanted to listen to someone else's music, I wouldn't ride in my own car.