By Anonymous - 29/05/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I learned to never blast classic rock with your convertible's top down while passing an SUV full of gangbanger wanna-bes. That is, of course, unless you want your immaculate, newly detailed leather seats to be decorated with pretty brown and white milkshake stains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 788
You deserved it 8 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow assholes. I hate people like that, I hope you got a license yet that probably wouldn't do much.

zmiddz 0

Gangbangers drink milkshakes?


No, why do people think it's acceptable and correct to harm other people or their property? That's incorrect!

Where do people learn respect ? It's like they DON'T learn it !

Faced159 0

You should have beaten their asses.

yo yo yo YDI 4 blastin dat shizz ^that was me trying to be ghetto. lol FAIL. but really, that sucks. though i do find it funny that they threw milkshakes at you...

ritalinboy 1

see what you should have done was the second u noticed they were white gangsters you should have FLOORED YOUR ASS away from their slow as hell SUV

you sound kinda smug, so i want to say you deserve it, but that was pretty ridiculous what they did. maybe you should stop caring so much about a car?

potatopeeler 0

Never blast any music, you inconsiderate asshole.

dude classic rock is awesome, Led Zep... oh yeah. Those guys are douchebags. Rap and hiphop suck.

wallythedolly 0

I hate people like that. Hope you reported them.

FYL indeed. Why am I tempted to scream "I. DRINK. YOUR. MILKSHAKE!"?