By Anonymous - 29/05/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I learned to never blast classic rock with your convertible's top down while passing an SUV full of gangbanger wanna-bes. That is, of course, unless you want your immaculate, newly detailed leather seats to be decorated with pretty brown and white milkshake stains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 788
You deserved it 8 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow assholes. I hate people like that, I hope you got a license yet that probably wouldn't do much.

zmiddz 0

Gangbangers drink milkshakes?


organismal 0

my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard okay, i love classic rock. but no one should blast their music with the windows/convertible top open. it annoys other people who dont' have the same interest in music. be more courteous- just close the top or lower the volume. you're being very inconsiderate otherwise. you wouldn't want people blasting rap with their windows open, would you?

Theos_fml 0

We have jerks like that in our school. Was it a black escalade by any chance? They are quite popular with the spoiled ones.

csdthegreat 0

I say both. I absolutely hate people who blast music (I ranted about it over IM a few days ago, in fact, and joked about a game where you destroy the world by blasting music. For anyone interested, you upgrade volume controls, speakers, bass, music, etc. to destroy houses and make people explode. You also upgrade a weapon you use to keep people who happen to have earplugs nearby away from the volume controls. Fun game, huh? :D Okay back to comment.). The volume and vibrations make my carsickness ten times worse, and my carsickness if already ten times worse because of my other health problems. No one likes it when people do that. It's selfish behavior and I hope everyone who does it will destroy their ears. Still, they could've just yelled at you to turn the volume down. Sounds like a big, sticky mess that has to violate a few laws. Throwing a milkshake is going too far... a handful of water would've been enough! :P

Ironically, the music they blast is probably 10 times crappier than yours too. Inconsiderate jerks.

ohiostatejeff 0

Music makes you car sick??? Anyways... shoulda shot them! Kidding, but I hate white wannabe gangstas.

**** those bitches rock ftw! you shoulda beat theyre pussy little asses for pullin that shit on you get theyre license plate and **** them up with fines props to you if you do man

FYL, next time carry a a firearm on your person, It'll make a difference, and next time play something heavier.

member0987654321 0

that sucks. and they really suck for not accepting people with different opinions, tastes and lifestyles, and for not appreciating diversity. by only accepting their points of view and no one else's, they are terribly ignorant. in the grand scheme of things, and in everyday life, they lose. and i like the way you wrote that fml, although i can't think of a word for it, it's different.