By Anonymous - 29/05/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I learned to never blast classic rock with your convertible's top down while passing an SUV full of gangbanger wanna-bes. That is, of course, unless you want your immaculate, newly detailed leather seats to be decorated with pretty brown and white milkshake stains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 788
You deserved it 8 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow assholes. I hate people like that, I hope you got a license yet that probably wouldn't do much.

zmiddz 0

Gangbangers drink milkshakes?


Some people are so ridiculous when it comes to music/lifestyle changes. You should have slashed their tires. I wonder how 'gangbager'-ish they'd be then. >:)

warmvanillasugar 0

The fact that gang-banger-wannabes were drinking milkshakes made me LOL.

If they're wanna be gang bangers then beat their ass.

What music specifically were you playing?

I hate those kind of jerks. (Also, language was dulled to the nicest way to prevent abuse reporting)

how did you go from having your first period at the airport to being hit with milkshakes in a car you were driving on the same day? either your life sucks, or your lying.

cxal_fml 0

LedZeppelinRocks, Are you trying to prove you are the stupidest person on the planet? This was posted by Anonymous. Surely you aren't so braindead you don't know what the word Anonymous means

cxal_fml 0

The cleanup was likely cheaper than the fine you would have gotten had you passed a police officer so you got off easy for blasting your music instead of playing it any reasonable level