By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 21:19 - United States

Today, I ignored my cat's incessant meowing, and pushed him away every time he wanted to be petted. The next time I walked downstairs I found him dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 660
You deserved it 96 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's more like your cat's FML "Today i was dying and i was trying to say goodbye to my owner, she just ignored me. FML"


MelanieP_fml 0

poor kitty. :( Was it, like, meowing in a "i'm hurt" way, or a "pay attention to me" way. If, "I'm hurt" ydi for being an asshole and ignoring your animals.

Except for the fact that cats usually don't meow if they are actually hurt or sick, there's no difference between a "I'm hungry", "I'm bored" or "Open the ******* door, bitch!" meow. (Incessant) Meowing is how cats "try" to communicate with humans because they are intelligent enough to get that most of us don't understand their body language.

Subtext, you obviously have no cat. And if you do, I fear for them, as you obviously have no understanding of them whatsoever.

cucumberfabulous 7

No, he's pretty right. I had a 16 year old cat that was very sick, but when she meowed it still sounded pretty much the same when she always meowed for food.. so you really can't tell......

bosshaug 0
Neoswords 0

Maybe the gangster cats got him?I just know that there is gangster cats.

imakepurplesnow 0

Just think, if you hadn't ignored the kitty, it likely would have died in your arms. That's much much more upsetting than finding him/ her dead later.

not to be stereotype, but that type of thing only happens in DC.

IDC what others say, YDI. >:| Don't be taking your kitty for granted, Jerk. DX

the cat deserved it. watch all of the PETA supporters complain..... lulz

Watch you being an ass, you mean. I hate PETA, and still think OP and you are insensitive.

I can't believe u killed ur own cat... sort of at least

Neoswords 0

again,quoted from heavy weapons guy."Maybe.Maybe."

psyx 0