By Celina - 12/01/2009 09:55 - United States

Today, I have -$700 in my current account, $500 from overdraft fees because I spent money they told me I had. I don't get paid till the 15th and when I cash in my paycheck all of it will go to bringing me even. So the $9 I found in my wallet this morning will have to last me untill the 30th. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 775
You deserved it 5 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

serially 0

that's why you're supposed to keep track of your transactions and balance on your own... it's called being an adult.

toli_fml 0

that's due in part to the bank's "automatic overdraft" protection, which essentially is taking out a line of credit with ridiculous interest from the said bank. Have them turn this off, so that way when you go to buy a $7 sandwich, and you only have $5 in your account, it won't work. Better to be embarrassed there than pay $25 + interest later. They bank will try and talk you out of it, and may even act like they can't do it, but demand them to turn it off. You'll be better off in the long run, spending only the money you have.


Maybe asking your parents might not be a bad idea I had the same issue

Nine dollars can get you a pretty good lap dance if you find something cheap

Try and get a debit card instead so you can't go into credit?

Shouldn't you have savings for times like these?

You spent money they told you you have? Do you not balance your checkbook? It's not up to the bank to keep track of your acct. ydi