By haku4u - 01/04/2013 23:18 - United States - Port Charlotte

Today, I got served paperwork stating that my ex-fiancée is suing me again for child support. About 7 years ago, I proved via DNA testing within the court system that I was not the father the first time. I see a talk show in my future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 187
You deserved it 2 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursucklives 36

she doesn't seem too bright, or she's just a bitch. probably the latter.

perdix 29

Maybe the kid matured and its DNA finally matches yours. That could happen.


I've heard that in some states, if a guy signs the birth certificate, claiming that child-- that in the courts' eyes, it doesn't matter if you're proven not to be the father. The courts are there solely for the child's benefit. Very unfair for dads with hoochie baby mamas!

Dumb and a bitch let's pray the real father had brains so this child doesn't follow in moms footsteps

If the dad had a brain, he wouldn't have been palling around with the mom in the first place, more'n likely.

I believe 25 is correct. I've heard the exact same thing about fathers signing the birth certificate. It is designed to ensure that the child is protected and supported. Doesn't matter if the correct person does it.

Who pays for court costs in America? (I'm assuming that's where this is) Does the loser have to pay the winners costs? Cos if so, this chick is a ******* idiot

No, loser doesn't pay in America, and this is a good thing. Can you imagine being an individual suing a large corporation, losing, and being personally on the hook for the corporation's legal bills? It'd serve as a deterrent to individuals suing big companies, when the threat of massive lawsuit payouts is often the only thing that can compel decent behavior from those big companies.

#25 is right. In some states it doesn't matter if he isn't the biological father. If OP stuck around for any amount of time in which the child could gain an attachment, he could be found liable even if the test proved he wasn't the father. Even in cases where they have proof that the women were deceitful about paternity, men get screwed. Such fuckery.

jem970 19

This woman is stupid. Probably can't remember all the men she has tried to sue for child support and your name just came up again while she was going through her address book of who to try next. I don't believe you can use past evidence in a former court case in a new one so you will probably have to take another test proving you aren't the child's father, a pain but still it will save you a headache.

Sonfang 19

I've seen a few court cases where the mother tries to sue the "father" again and if he's already proven he's not, they usually throw the case out. Or, grant the counter proposal.

I have to say that your life legitimately sucks. Unfortunately, even though the case has no basis, the OP will probably have to shell out tens of thousands in legal fees to get the case thrown out. Happened to my grandfather. The person had no basis, but the cheapest thing was just to settle just to get the guy to go away. Ended up losing like $10,000 in addition to the settlement in legal and lawyer fees. You can countersue, but again, the price will be astronomical. I think the price to petition to get a case thrown out for lack of evidence is $30,000 or something ridiculous.

toomanyidiots 14

Sadly, this is true... On top of legal fees, the time spent in court (and therefore not at work) will cause someone to incur even greater losses. I've had a parent who was sued, and he won the case, but it was a Pyrrhic victory -- he missed so much time from work, it would have been cheaper (and easier) to settle outside of court. (It also hurt his employees; if the only licensed professional is gone, the employees can't work.)

To be honest that kind of makes sense to me. To have to pay as long as you had some fatherly role. Biological or not you were supporting them and now you've stopped. That has to be rough for both mother and child. However..7 years? Is it just out of the blue or has she been trying for the past 7 years? This kid could be pretty old unless they divorced because the child wasn't his.

while she's suing you for child support, counter Sue for wrongful prosecution and harassment. All the best op :)