By haku4u - 01/04/2013 23:18 - United States - Port Charlotte

Today, I got served paperwork stating that my ex-fiancée is suing me again for child support. About 7 years ago, I proved via DNA testing within the court system that I was not the father the first time. I see a talk show in my future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 187
You deserved it 2 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursucklives 36

she doesn't seem too bright, or she's just a bitch. probably the latter.

perdix 29

Maybe the kid matured and its DNA finally matches yours. That could happen.


54: it may make sense, but there are so many women who lie about paternity and some guys don't even think to question it because they trust her and/or accusing her of cheating could ruin things if he actually is the father. Chicks run with that shit and the guy ends up sticking around for a kid that isn't his until the truth comes out later. Of course she has no issue with it because the guy that actually got her pregnant is probably a deadbeat, so let's stick it to the good guy right? By then he's technically liable and usually the state doesn't care why despite the blame lying solely on the dishonest mother.

Go on Jerry Springer and woop her a$$!

DirkTheDiggler 13

So long as its not Judge Judy because you'll be wrong if you end up on her show.

Inkedldd 8

She obveously doesn't know who the baby daddy is so even though you proved not to be she's still going to try and pin you for support. Best if luck OP.

You're safe, due to the law of double jeopardy, no, not the show, you can't be taken to court more than once for any single thing. If they had a case against you in the past and lost, you don't need to go back.

Maury welcomes all dysfunctional families, and provides free dna tests :)

sucks for you OP and even more so for a child that doesn't know who their father is and has a mother that can't answer what should be a simple question

csmith1539 11

Poor kid. Either his/her mom brainwashed him/her into thinking that OP is his/her father who doesn't want him/her, or the kid knows that his/her mom is a psychopathic ***** and that she has no idea who the father is. Either way, that would suck.

Counter-sue for harassment and lying to the court.