By monsterinlaw - 21/01/2014 06:25 - United States - Columbus

Today, I found out that even after three years, my boyfriend's mother replies, "Unfortunately" when asked if we are still together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 573
You deserved it 4 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TyT63 12

unfortunately you have to deal with her

novapine 19

Sorry you have to deal with that.


Coeliacchic93 21

just get in her face OP, (not literally) but if he lives with her make sure she sees you both together. she will eventually get used to it. good luck!

The only opinions that matter in your relationship is yours and your boyfriends... Laugh it off, smile and wave ;)

Sucks that you even have to deal with that crap, but don't let it get to you. If after all that time she still wants to act like a child that's her problem, not yours. If your boyfriend loves you and you're both happy then his mother can either accept it and be happy or deal with it. It's not her choice.

yungjohns 10
icadragoon 11

She sounds like the type of woman that thinks "no woman is good enough for my baby". Give her time to get the hint that you're not going anywhere, if that fails move far far away. I hope for your sake he's not a mamas boy, then you're screwed.

I'm with #2...hey...get it...number '2' anyways it sounds like your bfs mom sucks a little

I swear my boyfriends mom still hates me after so long, and I feel like she'd say the same thing !! It sucks :(

Same's now nearly 4 years and we already survived one big crisis (she caused), after which she promised to leave us alone, because apparently we're still together despite any trouble. Haha. He is very uncomfortable around his parents, because they always let him feel like he's a burden and so talentless and everything and when we're finally back home again, his mother calls and tells him he has to leave me immediately, because always when I'm around he seems so down...she should see him, when SHE's not around! He's quite happy then :D However...luckily we live a few hours away and they'll never undertake the loooong journey voluntarily (we visit them roundabout twice a year. More than enough.).

Two sides to every story, maybe you just suck.

Just because a couple isn't married after 3 years, doesn't mean the man isn't committed. Maybe they want to finish school or get a better job before spending all that money on a wedding. My bf and i have been together for 4 years and living together for 1 year and we are happy as can be. We are both trying to finish school and save money on a house before we get married. Sometimes in life you just have to concentrate on what makes you happy and as for the haters they can either be on board or leave.