By dork - 16/07/2009 20:32 - United States

Today, I found out my class was attempting to raise money for me through a bake sale because some girl spread a false rumor that I was raped and that my father was going to disown me. The whole school believes it and my biology teacher took me aside and asked if I needed someone to confide in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 095
You deserved it 3 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tubaguy42 0

wow, what a bitch. hope you get her back. at least there's good news: a lot of people care about you


fmlcrycrycryfml 0

HAHAHA sucks for you. btw i'm the awesome girl who spread the rumor :) nice job posting it on FML.

Cutiegirl30109 0

That's not something to be bragging about, it just makes you look like more of a bitch :/

If you really were, you're not an awesome person for spreading a horrible rumor.

CowGoesMoo 0

This could be kind of old. Anyway, that sucks, that chick has some major issues, or really hates you. Revenge maybe? I'm sure there's something you could do.

fmlcrycrycryfml 0


StarrieyedFML 0

Yea,.... I doubt you are really the girl who spread the rumors... But in any case, you have issues for trying to pretend you are... We all know you want attention... go cry in a corner emo kid. No one likes you. OP: That sucks, it really does. But just tell everyone the truth. That it never happened and this girl has issues. And ask them if they still want to donate the money to the charity for rape victims. But don't accept the money... Karma is a bigger bitch then ANYONE ever could be.

StarrieyedFML 0

drrnfortune.... you are my hero right now. lol

chocoLIFE_fml 2

Steve Miller wrote the perfect song for this: "Go on, take the money and run."

That sucks so bad I can't even... I mean, I see how it'd be a difficult situation to go through. People will kind of be awkward around you, and if you tell everyone it's fake (like someone else said) it would cause them to be angry with you since they went through all of the trouble to raise money for you. That's the weirdest rumor I have ever heard though... Usually they're negative things like, "Oh she's sleeping around... Did you hear the had sex with [so-and-so]?" That's a bit extreme what that girl spread though. FYL and good luck.

um, wow, that girl is a total ****. Why would anyone say that someone is raped, much less spread it around school. That's not something to joke about....ever. Find out who it is, kick that bitches ass

A similar thing like this happened at my middle school. It was several girls who thought it up about this other (I guess unpopular) girl, and they just wanted to make her look bad. She ended up moving though. I can definitely see several rape rumors going around though. Yes it's incredibly awful and disrespectful , but sadly, I know several people who've started such rumors about someone.

wow.... that was teribble... but respect to the girl that pulled it off...the bitch

why would you respect her? she spread a horrible rumour that is NOT something to be joked about.

Well, she inadvertedly made the victim more popular or something.

Get past your ego and milk it for what it's worth. (:

becky42 0

wow who could do that to somebody... i agree, fyl

fmlcrycrycryfml 0